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    Buckley for President

    General Missionary Baptist State Convention of Mississippi

  • Bio at a glance


    Prepared to serve.

    Andrew W. Mellon Fellow

    Awarded 1993


    Tougaloo College

    Bachelor of Arts - English


    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Master of Arts - English Literature


    Senior Pastor

    Second Baptist Church - Danville, Il


    General Secretary

    Wood River Baptist District Association


    Vice Moderator

    Wood River Baptist District Association


    Executive Pastor

    Cade Chapel M. B. Church



    Congress of Christian Education

    General Missionary Baptist State Convention


    Mississippi Black Leadership Institute

    Inaugural Class


    W. K. Kellogg Fellow

    Awarded 2015

    Senior Pastor

    Cade Chapel M. B. Church


    Executive Director

    Congress of Christian Education

    General Missionary Baptist State Convention


    Duke Divinity School

    Institute for Reconciliation


    Board of Trustees

    Hinds County Economic Development Authority


  • leadership in


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    Leading our church in a community prayer walk at night to end violence

    Masked in ministry

    Leading through the pandemic and Jackson water crises

    It must come down

    A statement at the capitol on the Mississippi State Flag

    You Can't Have It

    Closing argument during the state's attempted takeover of the Jackson Airport

    the virus, the vaccine and the variants

    A conversation about COVID-19 with the Chair of Family Medicine at UMMC

    candidate address during virtual fall session

    The C.R.O.S.S. Agenda during COVID-19

    poor people's campaign

    Ending the filibuster and protecting voting rights

  • Platform

    Our platform is simple. Through the C.R.O.S.S. Agenda, we will make our convention a model for cooperative Kingdom building. The principles guiding our work will ensure that our efforts are:










  • Take a listen and enjoy!

    Why we need the Cross

    A shaky video but a solid message from 2018 that's relevant for today.

  • The c.r.o.s.s. agenda

  • a few Ideas and Initiatives

    for a more relevant convention

  • impact 25/40

    The presence of the convention should be felt in the cities we visit through intentional actions of mission, investment and outreach. The Impact 25/40 team will assess, plan and implement mission, outreach, evangelistic and patronage efforts for every fall, spring, and annual session. Working with our laymen, missionaries, evangelism team and local pastors, GMBSC will execute a plan of action and impact in each city it meets, being the hands and feet of Jesus for the glory of God. At the close of each session, the Impact 25/40 report will demonstrate the financial, social, evangelistic, and missional impact GMBSC has made on that community during our meeting. Matthew 25:40 reminds us that whatever we do to the least of those among us, we do unto our Lord.

    church wellness check

    The life of any church has various seasons that come with specific challenges. The Church Wellness Check will allow pastors to assess the healthiness of the church and then work to develop strategies, provide resources, and help to implement an individualized wellness plan to improve the spiritual, financial, and missional goals of the church. Just as we need our annual physicals to determine our physical health, you will be able to determine your church's strengths, discover the opportunities for improvement and have a plan developed uniquely for your ministry context.

    gmbsc tech-Net

    Many churches are in need of tech assistance to better serve their members. Partnering with a technology industry leader, GMBSC Tech-Net will provide member churches with the technological assistance and expertise needed to improve membership services, enhance the worship experience, and update administrative capacities. GMBSC churches will be equipped to serve this present age and fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by taking the gospel into all the world.



    r2 - Recovery and Relief

    GMBSC must be prepared to aid and assist those affected by natural disasters and emergencies at a moment’s notice. To better aid individuals and families struck by natural disasters, we must have necessary supplies stockpiled, tools on-hand and individuals identified who are trained, experienced and prepared to serve. R2 will work with Laymen, Missionaries, and outside agencies, businesses, and enterprises in advance of disasters to have strategies and plans ready to implement and workers, resources and supplies ready to deploy when disasters occur.

  • The convention Collaborative center

    In cooperation with the Mississippi Baptist Seminary, The Convention Collaborative Center will work primarily as a virtual training and resource center for clergy, church staff, and laity. The CCC will be a hub of shared ideas, content and studies that will help to inform any local church's polity, practices and protocols. It will also provide a space for pastors, church leaders and young seminarians to engage in critical faith inquiry and to wrestle with current cultural issues and their impact upon the church.

    convention to college

    Through Convention to College, GMBSC will help create a pipeline for GMBSC youth to attend HBCUs by forming early relationships with potential students, coaching students and parents for a successful application process, exposing youth annually to college recruiters, hosting college prep seminars for 10-12th grades, and promoting the HBCU experience. Building relationships with all Mississippi HBCUs, GMBSC will be a major influencer, promotor, and feeder to state HBCUs.



    Baptist Student (re)Union

    Recognizing the need for support in a young person’s life during college, GMBSC will reactivate BSU chapters on college campuses across the state by training and supporting campus ministers and campus offices. The (Re)Union will be an institute that gathers current student leaders, former BSU directors and campus ministers from across the state and nation to build competencies and develop strategies to implement a successful network of BSU chapters on college campuses, both private and public.



    gmbsc/hbcu scholarship

    GMBSC/HBCU Scholarship is a scholarship awarded to one graduating senior from each district within GMBSC. Each district will select its recipient based on guidelines provided by GMBSC. Recipients will be awarded a $2500 scholarship during the annual session. The Presidential Scholarship will be selected by the GMBSC Presidential Scholarship committee. The Presidential Scholarship awardee will receive a $5000 scholarship. (Scholarships will be funded by various events and a cooperative district assessment which qualifies a district to submit a scholarship recipient.)


  • Pastor Reflectives

    The weight of ministry upon a pastor and family can be significant. Even with scheduled vacations, pastors oftentimes need a different kind of experience that allows for rest AND reflection. Through a cooperative with retreat centers around the country, GMBSC will sponsor Pastor Reflectives that allow pastors and their spouses to experience spiritual, relational, and ministerial reflections. You will leave a Pastor's Reflective focused, restored, and ready to continue the journey of leading God's people. A Pastor Reflective can be designed to be a part of a sabbatical program or an extended vacation. Either way, you will return with greater clarity to fulfill God's calling.

    the council of pastors


    GMBSC is blessed to have a wealth of seasoned pastors who have either retired or are approaching retirement after having faithfully served churches of the convention. The convention can benefit from the experience and wisdom of these pastors by appointing them to the Council of Pastors who will provide counsel regarding special matters, serve as recommended transitional pastors for vacant churches in the convention, consult, in conjunction with local moderators, with pastors and congregations pertaining to matters of Baptist polity, church growth, and administration, provide mentoring for new pastors who may benefit from such opportunities, and provide recommendations to the President regarding matters of convention life.

    Baptist Center for Spiritual and Social Enlightenment

    A collective of resources, scholarship, research, curriculums, publications, etc. produced by General Missionary Baptists for General Missionary Baptists, the Baptist Center for Spiritual and Social Enlightenment will support the publishing of critical scholarship in the areas of theology, doctrine, homiletics and church growth as well as support the study and publishing of data that is specifically relative to the spiritual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of African-Americans in Mississippi. Longitudinal studies will provide a new body of data and literature that will allow for a deeper understanding of the relationships between faith, health, family, and other social determinants that impact the well-being of African-American populations in Mississippi. The Baptist Center for Spiritual and Social Enlightenment will also serve as a catalyst that connects our constituents with state and federal initiatives, institutions and entities that can then provide resources/services and impact new outcomes based on the quantifiable data published.


    THe baptist alliance for public policy


    The Baptist Alliance for Public Policy (BAPP) will work to align the leaders of the Baptist conventions within Mississippi to give a unified voice to the socio-political issues that affect our constituents by issuing/publishing statements, engaging the legislative process, mobilizing lobbying and voting efforts and providing resources and information to constituent members and representatives about policies and legislation that best serve human need and build beloved community. The BAPP will work to create and advance public policy that is framed by our understanding of love, justice, mercy, responsibility and restoration.

  • what pastors are saying

    Testimonials from Convention pastors

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    Dr. Albert Calvin

    Mount Horeb Baptist Church - Greenville

    Our Convention needs Godly, Christ-centered, Spirit led leadership at the top. My observation of Rev. Reginald Buckley has shown me that he has the spiritual and moral qualities to take the General Missionary Baptist State Convention to a new Christian level. For this reason, I am prayerfully supporting Rev. Buckley in his bid to become the next President of GMBSC.

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    Rev. Keith Rouser

    Ridley Hill Missionary Baptist Church- Madison

    In this day of crisis in the church, we need a leader like Reverend Buckley who demonstrates that he knows where God wants people to be; and one who takes the initiative using God’s method to get them there. He is equipped and qualified for the time in which we are living and he possesses those spiritual requirements for leadership. He honors God in his walk, shows love for all; he is filled with knowledge and understanding and he preaches the Word . Without reservation, I support Rev Buckley and I am confident that his leadership will elevate the Convention to the next level.

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    Rev. Robert McCallum

    Priestley Chapel M. B. Church - Canton

    I believe the greatest needs of our State Convention in this day and time are renewed vision, integrity, clarity, inclusiveness, a clarion call to unity and a renewed commitment to our mission of evangelism. It is time to look at what unites us. We exist as a convention of churches because we believe that we can do more together than we can do apart. I support Reginald Buckley because I believe that he is a leader who understands the critical nature of our times and he knows what to do.

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    Dr. John Wicks

    Mount Nebo Baptist Church - Jackson

    I am supporting Rev. Reginald Buckley for president of our state Convention (GMBSC) because of his vision, his gifts and his character. Moreover, I believe his highly successful track record at the churches he has pastored and as the leader of our state Congress suggest that he is the best man to represent us and lead us forward at this time.

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    Rev. Dennis Grant

    Jerusalem Baptist Church - Brandon

    Reginald Buckley has the voice, vision and vitality to serve as president of our beloved Convention. I believe he is the right man for such a time as this.

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    Dr. C.J. Rhodes

    Mount Helm Baptist Church - Jackson

    Without question, Reginald Buckley is needed for this hour in the life of our dear Convention. His daring vision and practical strategies will equip us to better serve this present age and to faithfully confront the many crises that frustrate the black church and community. The future is now!

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    Rev. S. V. Adolph, Jr.

    First Missionary Baptist Church - Gulfport

    Beyond a doubt, Rev. Reginald Buckley is the right person to serve as president of our beloved state Convention. In this time and season, we need a leader who is forward thinking, innovative and creative. We deserve a leader who is passionate about our mission and committed to our future. Reginald is that leader and I offer my support of his candidacy with enthusiasm and great hope for what is to come.

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    Rev. Eric Dickey

    First Missionary Baptist Church - Biloxi

    Leadership depicts character, while character depicts integrity. The leadership of Pastor Reginald Buckley will provide our Convention with character and integrity.

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    Rev. Willie Tobias

    New Mount Zion Baptist Church - Jackson

    I believe that God has sent Reginald Buckley to lead us to higher heights, for such a time as this. We can no longer remain silent.

  • what leaders are saying

    Testimonials from Leaders Around the State

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    Dr. Beverly W. Hogan

    Immediate Past President - Tougaloo College

    Reverend Reginald Buckley is an exceptional leader who moves people conceptually, developmentally and spiritually. He brings vision, passion and purpose to his work, always with clarity in thought and delivery of his message. Reverend Buckley’s intellectual and business acumen, servant heart in the well of spiritual leadership prowess, and ethical character make him the ideal candidate for the President of the General Missionary Baptist State Convention of Mississippi. Tougaloo College is proud to claim him as our own.

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    Will Crossley, Jr, JD

    President - The Piney Woods School

    Reginald Buckley is a visionary leader without parallel. The depth of his integrity and steeliness of his commitment are rare commodities, even among the leadership corps in our state and nation. His record of progress stems from his dedication to community, his unique agility in our ever-changing society, and his care and compassion for all people. The sincerity of his leadership pierces the fabric of an often uncertain world, and confirms for us that we are better because of his service.

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    Rep. Sonya Williams-Barnes

    House District 119 - Gulfport

    Immediate Past Chair of the Black Caucus

    Reverend Reginald Buckley is what we need as a leader. He is blessed by God with the gift of being a forward thinker who is disciplined and obedient to God ‘s word. Rev. Buckley is a visionary preparing God’s people for what is to come.

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    Mr. Leroy Walker

    Past Chair - Metro Jackson Chamber of Commerce

    Past Chair - Hinds County Economic Development Authority

    I have seen, first-hand, the evolution of true leadership at its best through Reverend Reginald Buckley. Reverend Buckley is an individual who has transformed an eyesore into an oasis. He delivers on his promises of enhancing his community by lifting the least among us, and he exemplifies, encourages and recognizes the good in all mankind. The convention has an excellent opportunity to realize a spiritual, economical, and visionary drum major for Christ. The Jackson Community has benefited from Reverend Buckley, and I am certain that the State Convention will as well. His word is his bond, and I wholeheartedly endorse Reverend Reginald Buckley as our next President.

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    Senator Sollie Norwood

    District 28

    Reverend Buckley is a true friend and servant leader. As a pastor I know him to be committed, skillful above all loving the Lord, caring for his family and feeding his congregation. As a community leader I know him to be engaged and dedicated to the cause and I support his candidacy for President of the State Convention.

  • together we build

    Where there is no vision, the people perish.

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    Building Futures

    One child at a time

    We will invest in the futures of children by helping local churches to establish learning centers, create support programs and develop partnerships with local agencies through which children and youth develop as productive citizens who fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.

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    Building Communities

    One block at a time

    We will work to reclaim and restore communities surrounding our constituent churches through housing initiatives, economic development, family restorative practices and regenerative programs. The Cade Courtyard Senior Apartments is an example of what a church can do to revitalize its community by building, first, the Kingdom.

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    Building the Kingdom

    One issue at a time

    Seeking first the Kingdom of God, we will bring visible form and action to issues of inequity and injustice that negatively impact our communities by informing, mobilizing, and thoroughly articulating a theological position that represents Christ’s heart and hope for a beloved community.

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    Building Hope

    One dream at a time

    Together, we will build a convention that manifests the glorious hope of Christ for our families, churches, and communities to the glory of God. Mississippi will know that General Baptists have been here by a legacy of works, initiatives and institutions left behind that bear witness to the Gospel.

  • contribute to buckley2020 here